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David Harkness

- Community Marketing Advisor
- Canadian Heritage Information Network
- Website: www.virtualmuseum.ca
- Twitter: daveharkness
David Harkness is an online museum professional with over a decade of experience in educational Web projects. He is the current Community Marketing Advisor for the Virtual Museum of Canada and the Canadian Heritage Information Network, and is actively involved in the planning and implementation of the VMC’s social media strategy. Prior to this position, he was Team Lead, Web for large-scale digitization projects at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, and Project Coordinator, interviewer, audio engineer, and IT & Web development contractor for the Dominion Institute (now the Historica-Dominion Institute).
David holds an Honours B.A., archaeology specialist, and a Master’s degree in museum studies, both from the University of Toronto. He has lectured, presented and published on social media, viral marketing, web conferencing, virtual exhibit project management, digitization and digital asset management, museum careers, and Canadian archaeology for a wide range of audiences.